Pre-Conference WORKSHOPS (free participation)
9.00-12.00 Workshop 1
Inclusion and diversity-exploring how we listen and respond to music in individual ways
Coordinators: Jessica HARRIS, senior music therapist, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin, Ireland
Univ.Assist.PhD. Beatrice IORDACHE, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
12.00-15.00 Workshop 2
Music Therapy in Music Education
Coordinators: Catherine WARNER, Senior Lecturer Ph.D., University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
Univ.Prof.PhD. Lois VĂDUVA, Emanuel University Oradea, Romania
Mirjám BORZÁSI, Graduate Student at the University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
15.00-18.00 Workshop 3
Building your business as a classical musician-Music Entrepreneurship Workshop
Coordinators: Assoc.Prof.PhD. Monica Maria COROȘ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Business
Assoc.Prof.PhD. Oana BĂLAN-BUDOIU, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
18.00-20.00 Workshop Wellbeing
Coordinator: Otilia CALFA, Director of Training Department InIm Institute
10.00-12.00 Welcome participants meeting
12.00-12.30 OFFICIAL OPENING of the conference
13.00-14.00 PLENARY SESSION 1
Interactive Lecture
Working in the classroom with AI: ethical uses in higher education
Prof. PhD. Rafael FERNANDEZ-MAXIMIANO, Valencia University, Spain
Interactive Workshops of Music Didactics
Music Education
Coordinator: Assoc.Prof.PhD. Diana Elena SÂRB, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
Coordinators: Univ.Lect.PhD. Alexandru SUCIU-Singing, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
Assoc.Prof.PhD. Diana BARB-Piano, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nicoleta DEMIAN-Coreography, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
19.00 Recital
9.00-12.30 SYMPOSIUM
Music Cognition
Moderator: Assoc.Prof.PhD. Diana-Elena SÂRB, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
-Coffee break-
13.00-14.00 PLENARY SESSION 2
Interactive Lecture
Provocări și limitări ale tehnologiilor actuale în domeniul muzical
Prof.PhD.Eng. Florin POP, Polytechnic University Bucharest
-Lunch break-
15.00-17.00 SYMPOSIUM
Information and Communication Technology in Musical Field
Moderator: Assoc.Prof.PhD. Ciprian POP, National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
19.00 Recital
Masterclass in Performance
Instrumental performance
Closing of the conference